This was a logo created to fully embody Asian American culture. "I am Asian" was a saying my teachers and I created to show that I am Asian and will show with pride my culture as an Asian American.
First, the reason behind the use of three fishes is that it is considered lucky. The word three in Chinese is "San" which sounds similar to the word that means birth.
The significance of using koi fish koi is that they are often associated with strength of character, perseverance, accomplishment and courage in Japanese culture.
Lastly, the reason as to why I chose these specific colors within the koi fish design is because each color was purposefully placed to have a meaning. The red and yellow fish is a symbol of the Chinese colors that represent my own culture. The light turquoise and dark green fish represents health, patience, sensitivity, harmony, wealth, and fertility. The orange within the orange and brown fish represents good fortune and abundance, while the brown represents earth and is associated with being grounded.
6" x 6"